Our legal services

We enable local and international people and institutions to get high-quality legal services and professional performance that help them make the right decisions.

Providing legal advice to companies, financial and commercial institutions and individuals in everything related to their field of business and legal practices, preparing and documenting contracts and agreements, and where we do the following :

  1. Providing legal and advisory studies and building a legal opinion.

  2. Preparation of studies and consultations for the real estate sector.

  3. Preparation of Legal Studies and consultations regarding financial and tax law.

  4. Preparing legal consultations in the field of labor law and determining the scope of rights and duties of the parties to the Labor relationship, taking into account the applicable regulations.

  5. Preparation of Legal Studies and consultations in the field of protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, trademarks and patents.

Providing legal advice in all matters related to the cases filed or to be filed, whether by you or from third parties, reviewing the regulations, memoranda, evidence, and preparing all supporting documents for your case before applying to the judiciary; to strengthen your legal argument before the judiciary, and to achieve standards of perfection and accuracy in the procedures of pleadings, and not to miss any evidence and argument of importance in the case.

Representing you before the courts of General justice, the court of grievances, judicial committees, and quasi-judicial in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and abroad, in order to preserve your financial and moral rights.

Representing you at the stage of negotiations with third parties, and the desired contracts concluded through us in a way that preserves your right, and helps you establish partnerships based on legal roots that achieve sustainability in business relations.

This unit was established to provide services before making administrative and commercial decisions, as well as at the stages of negotiations with other persons and entities, so that our clients avoid the risks of failure and stumbling of decisions and financial losses as a result of fraud, embezzlement and theft, provided that this is done by researching and investigating the political, financial, criminal and judicial conditions of their contractors and providing a detailed report including the results of research, investigation and legal recommendations. here is a simple example of this service:

  1. There is a company, an institution or an individual named (a) who wishes to conclude a contract or a deal.
  2. There are other entities and they are called (B).

Entity (A) wants to make sure that the conclusion of the contract or transaction will not involve any risks with entity (B) and here comes the role of the investigation unit, which searches and investigates entity (B) about its current state and its economic and financial situation as well as criminal, so we are looking for the following:

  1. Does entity (B) have lawsuits against him, what is their nature and type
  2. Does entity (B)have legal obstacles and dilemmas with local authorities
  3. Has entity (B) suffered financial losses as a result of mismanagement or legal actions
  4. Does entity (B) have any security notes with the competent authoritiesThrough this, entity (a) can make the right and correct decisions whether to accept entity (B) or refuse to deal with it.

Auditing and auditing in accordance with international standards helps the chief executives and general managers of legal business entities in making the right decisions by putting the work of the financial manager and the internal auditor entrusted with the entity to prepare the entity’s financial statements under examination and audit to monitor any violation or suspicious operation, and submit a report to the entity’s partners or managers to have a clear picture of the financial position of their establishments and business activities. To identify risks in management activities and propose possible changes, provide solutions; to assist you in making sound decisions and correcting deviations if any; to ensure the proper management of the company’s assets.

This service includes providing legal advice related to your administrative work, including providing a legal opinion regarding the rights and obligations of employees and examining their compliance with international and local labor laws, as well as the risks involved in the work of the human resources unit.

This service aims at managing alternative dispute resolution (mediation or arbitration), which may be reached or agreed upon initially to settle any dispute that may arise between the parties to the contract without resorting to litigation, through the preparation of all documents and documents related to mediation or arbitration, including the drafting of papers and documents necessary for these procedures.

The office participates in the arbitration bodies of the chambers of Commerce, both locally and internationally, as we are accredited arbitrators at the Chamber of Commerce in the government of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates and from the Arab arbitration complex in the Arab Republic of Egypt. In order to reduce the financial cost to you, end the dispute in a short time, and determine the procedures of pleading and arbitrators; to achieve the fastest and Best Legal Service.

There are many legal systems around the world, many legal systems and their languages are not close, so we have been keen in our company to translate contracts, agreements, international alliances and other legal documents according to international translation standards to ensure verbal and functional equivalence from the language translated from and translated into.

Providing legal advice on tax matters, reviewing your tax obligations and studying the laws and regulations related to real estate disposition Tax, Value Added Tax, Withholding Tax, Income Tax and other types of taxes and taking into account the extent to which they apply to you to verify your compliance with tax policies and protect your business from financial risks.we also submit tax refund requests, exceptions, objections and other requests to the Zakat, tax and Customs Authority according to legally valid reasons.

This unit provides its services to clients who, due to urgent or necessary circumstances, wish to deal with entities with bad and unreliable financial and commercial behavior for administrative, professional or commercial reasons.we provide studies, advice and recommendations that clarify the legal and financial implications of dealing with them and measure the degree of risk (low, medium or extremely serious. these units provide the service of addressing those risks and mitigating their negative effects on customers. This is to reduce your exposure to disputes, as our risk management is carried out in accordance with the framework of international risk management standards – BS ISO 31000 – because we believe that helping our partners succeed will improve their operational efficiency and reduce losses.